September 2012, the poor Kalsel 189 214 people (5.01 percent), reduced by 661 people (0.35 percent) from March 2012 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Hulu Sungai Utara Regency

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September 2012, the poor Kalsel 189 214 people (5.01 percent), reduced by 661 people (0.35 percent) from March 2012

Release Date : January 2, 2013
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The poor in South Kalimantan Province in September 2012 reached 189 214 people (5.01 percent), reduced by 661 people (0.35 percent) compared to the number of poor people in March 2012, which amounted to 189 875 people (5.06 percent).


During the period March 2012 - September 2012, the number of poor people in urban areas decreased by 1634 people (from 58 173 people in March 2012 to 56 539 people in September 2012), while in rural areas increased by 973 people (131 702 people from March 2012 to 132 675 people in September 2012).


The percentage of poor people in urban areas in March 2012 amounted to 3.676 percent, dropped to 3.562 percent in September 2012. Likewise, the percentage of poor people in rural areas mangalami decreased slightly, from 6.074 percent in March 2012 to 6.066 percent in September 2012.
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