June 2013, Farmers Exchange (NTP) Kalsel: 106.34 (up 0.35 per cent from May 2013) - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Hulu Sungai Utara Regency

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June 2013, Farmers Exchange (NTP) Kalsel: 106.34 (up 0.35 per cent from May 2013)

Release Date : July 1, 2013
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In June 2013, the Farmers Exchange (NTP) South Kalimantan recorded 106.34, up 0.35 percent compared to May 2013 NTP reached 105.97. NTP is due to rising prices received by farmers index (It) has increased by 0.33 percent, while the index of prices paid by farmers (Ib) had a greater reduction of 0.01 percent.

Judging from the sub-sectors, four subsectors of agriculture has increased the NTP and the NTP subsector decreased. Crop sub-sector grew by 0.46 percent, Horticultural Crops sub-sector grew by 0.52 percent, Livestock sub-sector grew by 0.17 percent, and fisheries sub-sector grew by 0.36 percent. Meanwhile, sub Smallholder Crop NTP decreased by 0.46 percent.

The fall in the price index of rural household consumption by 0.02 percent showed deflation in the countryside due to the decline in the index of a subgroup of foodstuff by 0.16 percent, a subgroup of clothing fell by 0.25 per cent, and transport and communications subgroup fell by 0.07 per cent . Meanwhile processed food subgroup rose by 0.38 percent, housing subgroup rose by 0.26 per cent, health subgroup rose by 0.16 percent, and a subgroup of education, recreation and sport increased by 0.10 percent.

In June 2013, the National, Lampung Province has increased by 0.71 percent the highest NTP, otherwise Papua highest NTP decreased by 0.56 percent.
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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