Kalimantan Selatan Exports in March 2018 Up 9.67 Percent and Imports Rise 57.26 Percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Hulu Sungai Utara Regency

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Kalimantan Selatan Exports in March 2018 Up 9.67 Percent and Imports Rise 57.26 Percent

Release Date : April 16, 2018
File Size : 0.5 MB


• The export value through the port in South Kalimantan in March 2018 reached US $ 749.19 million or an increase of 9.67 percent compared to February 2018 exports which reached US $ 683.12 million and up 13.44 percent when compared to the export value in March 2017 reached US $ 660.46 million.

• The import value of South Kalimantan in March 2018 amounted to US $ 162.63 million, an increase of 57.26 percent compared to imports in February 2018 which reached US $ 103.41 million. Meanwhile, when compared with the import value of March 2017, the value rose by 15.66 percent which at that time reached US $ 140.61 million.

• South Kalimantan's export trade balance in March 2018 was a surplus of US $ 586.56 million.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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