South Kalimantan experienced an inflation of 0.11 percent. - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Hulu Sungai Utara Regency

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South Kalimantan experienced an inflation of 0.11 percent.

Release Date : May 2, 2018
File Size : 0.72 MB


In April 2018, in Kota Banjarmasin, there was an inflation of 0.08 percent. The calendar year inflation rate of 2018 (April 2018 to December 2017) was 0.54 percent and the year-on-year inflation rate was 2.86 percent. Commodities that experienced price increases with the highest inflation share in the city of Banjarmasin include onion, chicken eggs, Muslim clothes, chicken meat, red chili.

In Tanjung City, in April 2018 experienced inflation of 0.61 percent. The calendar inflation rate of 2018 (April 2018 to December 2017) was inflation of 1.69 percent and the year-on-year inflation rate was 3.46 percent. Commodities that experienced price increases with the highest inflation rate in Tanjung City include: onion, chicken meat, spinach, oranges, gold jewelry.

Of the 82 cities that calculated the consumer price index, there were 54 cities experiencing inflation. The highest inflation in Merauke city was 1.32 percent, and the lowest in Padang and Kudus cities were 0.01 percent respectively and the highest deflation in Tual city was 2.26 percent in Medan, BandarLampung and Tegal respectively 0.01 percent.

In April 2018, in Kota Banjarmasin, there was an inflation of 0.08 percent. The calendar year inflation rate of 2018 (April 2018 to December 2017) was 0.54 percent and the year-on-year inflation rate was 2.86 percent. Commodities that experienced price increases with the highest inflation share in the city of Banjarmasin include onion, chicken eggs, Muslim clothes, chicken meat, red chili.

In Tanjung City, in April 2018 experienced inflation of 0.61 percent. The calendar inflation rate of 2018 (April 2018 to December 2017) was inflation of 1.69 percent and the year-on-year inflation rate was 3.46 percent. Commodities that experienced price increases with the highest inflation rate in Tanjung City include: onion, chicken meat, spinach, oranges, gold jewelry.

Of the 82 cities that calculated the consumer price index, there were 54 cities experiencing inflation. The highest inflation in Merauke city was 1.32 percent, and the lowest in Padang and Kudus cities were 0.01 percent respectively and the highest deflation in Tual city was 2.26 percent in Medan, BandarLampung and Tegal respectively 0.01 percent.
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