South Kalimantan experienced TPT of 3.86 percent. - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Hulu Sungai Utara Regency

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South Kalimantan experienced TPT of 3.86 percent.

Release Date : May 7, 2018
File Size : 0.47 MB


The total labor force reaches 2.19 million people comprising 2.11 million working people and 84.48 thousand unemployed people. The total workforce is up by 38.40 thousand people compared to February 2017. The number of working people reached 2.11 million people, growing by 29.85 thousand people compared to February 2017. While the number of unemployed rose by 8.55 thousand people.
• In February 2018, TPAK of South Kalimantan was 73.41 percent and TPT was 3.86 percent.
• The agricultural sector is the largest employer in South Kalimantan. The agricultural sector absorbs 35.19 percent of the workforce. Compared with the absorption in February 2017 which amounted to 35.83 percent, then there was a decrease of absorption by this agricultural sector by 0.64 points.
• In February 2018 60.80 percent were workers in the informal sector, self-employed (24.20 percent), assisted by temporary workers (17.08 percent) and free workers (2.99 percent) and unpaid workers (16.54 percent). Workers in the formal sector accounted for 39.20 percent of workers with employment status (36.16 percent) and working status assisted by permanent workers (3.04 percent).
• Based on working hours, people working 35 hours or more a week experienced a slight decrease of 2.42 points to 60.77 percent compared to a year ago which amounted to 63.19 percent. Residents working between 8-14 hours per week experienced the greatest increase of 2.67 points to 7.22 percent.
• 45.66 per cent of the population work in South Kalimantan certified elementary school / without diploma and 16.77 per cent of Junior High School or equivalent, only 12.02 per cent of workers complete diploma and university education.
• The highest TPT at the senior high school level or equal to 5.74 percent. The lowest TPT is at the level of junior high school education equal to 3.05 percent.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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